Why take a course on the 'Coders Live' platform?

As the courses on our platform will help in acquiring new skills, it will also provide the right direction to successfully build a career in software companies and provide the necessary support to survive in the company in the future.

What Benefits You Will Get From Us


Skill Development Course

Skill Development Courses help to perform a particular activity in a very experienced manner.


Career Counselling

Helps to know and understand yourself and the world of work in order to grow career, educational, and life decisions.


Online Support

Delivering support service through multiple channels such as live chat, live session, email, social media platforms, etc.


Interview & Job Support

Have good ability and expert personality to complete customer’s task. Expert team provide support on USA time-zone.


Resume Building

Write and edit resumes formatted specifically for different industries and job search platforms.


Internship Opportunity

Provides a trainee the opportunity for career exploration and development, and to learn new skills.

Our Professional & Expert Team


Mohammad Fazle Karim

Course Instructor

Rasel Ahmed

Course Instructor

Zinia Nur

Host & SQA Engineer
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Take Advice From A Career Counselor

We Provide Free Career Counseling Support So That You Can Make The Right Career Decision. Experienced Career Will Answer Your Various Questions About Career.